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Time Management Tips RRB NTPC Exam 2024

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Time Management Tips RRB NTPC Exam (2024). When preparing for the RRB NTPC (NonTechnical et al.) examination, one cannot help but feel left out, especially when one has a stressful condition such as time management. The competition is fierce, with lakhs of candidates competing over a few positions.

Given the situation, Time Management Tips RRB NTPC Exam is an essential aspect in preparation and the examination. So, in this article, we will discuss some of the essential time management Tips for the RRB NTPC exam 2024, where we also discuss the pattern of the exam and effective ways to complete each section within the time limit.

Understanding the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern

However, before we look at the different Time Management Tips RRB NTPC Exam techniques, it is worth noting that some specific patterns are used in the RRB NTPC online test. This examination is conducted in phases, which commence with ComputerBased Tests, the first two being at stage level:

Stage 1: RRB NTPC Exam Pattern CBT 1 

Subject Number of Questions Marks Time Duration
General Awareness 40 40 1 hour 30 minutes
Mathematics 30 30
General Intelligence & Reasoning 30 30
Total 100 100

Stage 2: RRB NTPC Exam Pattern CBT 2

Subject Number of Questions Marks Time Duration
General Awareness 50 50 90 minutes
Mathematics 35 35
General Intelligence & Reasoning 35 35
Total 120 120

SectionWise Time Management Tips RRB NTPC Exam 2024

To begin with, the first step to crack the RRB NTPC examination is to learn how to distribute the time concerning each section. It’s time to explain how each subject should be managed in terms of time during preparation as well as examination. 

1. General Awareness

  • Time Required for Preparation: As General Awareness covers many important factors to make it a high-scoring section, it can be prepared for by consistently working on it through the preparation, so at least 1 hour daily in the form of current affairs, static Gk, and general knowledge is need only.
  • Set aside 10 to 15 minutes in a single day to go through the questions of the previous year so that you can determine any patterns. Develop a deeper understanding of Indian history, geography, polity, economics, and important national and international events, among others.
  • Time Management Tips RRB NTPC Exam: There’s a time allocation of about twenty to twenty-five minutes within which this section should take place during the examination. Questions of a factual nature should be answered quickly as they can easily be located in the text. When in doubt, it is best to skip the question rather than waste a lot of time stuck on the same question.
  • Answer the questions you are certain of first. Leave out questions that you are not certain of until the end when there is enough time to go back to them.

2. Mathematics

  • Preparation Time: Practice is an important component when dealing with Mathematics. To achieve success in this subject set aside between one and a half hours to two hours in a single day. Start with arithmetic, basic algebra, and geometry. Later, it deals with time and distance, data handling, and profit and loss.  
  • Make a note of the frequently occurring significant formulas. Learn how to revise the same. A great performance is anticipated in the exam where speed calculations are employed to reduce the time for individual questions.
  • Time Management Tips RRB NTPC Exam: Set a target of completing Maths in not more than thirty minutes. Remember that the goals of the Math section are Accuracy; Accuracy has nothing to do with trying to beat time and score
  • effective Negative marks. The person should tackle any problem of lesser difficulty first and only then move on to a more demanding question. 
  • Do the easier calculations or those you like best first and leave some of the more difficult questions for the later sections of this paper. 

3. Analytical and Critical Reasoning 

  • Time Management Tips RRB NTPC Exam: This is yet another area of difficulty, but if mastered, high marks can be expected. Set aside 1 hour a day for practicing puzzles, seating arrangements, series, syllogisms, and coding-decoding. Situations that will improve your practicality through regularities will have you knowing the patterns faster. 
  • Concentrate on patterns as a strategy for creating a mental approach and trying to answer questions from different perspectives. In today’s world, there are a lot of resources available that will allow you to understand different ways to approach a question. 

How much time do you spend on an exam?

A general estimate would be about 25 to 30 minutes for General Intelligence and Reasoning. Reasoning questions can be lengthy, especially those in the form of puzzles or seating arrangements. Start from the go where there are easy questions like those that involve coding and decoding, blood relation, and analogies questions.

If you find a certain puzzle or a particular question hard to crack, do not waste too much time on it. Leave it if you are taking too long and come back to it if time permits later on.

General Time Management Tips RRB NTPC Exam for the Exam Day

1. Attempt the Most Easiest Questions First

Always attempt the most difficult question first as it will help you collect pace towards answering the rest of the questions. If Maths is your dynamic area, start there. Likewise, if you are comfortable with General Awareness, get it done first.

2. Apply the Elimination Process

When faced with a question in which you are in doubt about its answer, try to eliminate as many answers as possible to make it incredibly easy to figure out what the answer is. You can rule out some wrong choices to at least make an educated guess. You must remember, though, that you have to be careful of making wild guesses; that could be the beginning of your troubles. You could end up being negatively marked for wild guesses.

3. Time Checking in the Examination

Make sure you are very alert and look at the clock to keep a check on time. For every section, set a time limit and after every segment, extend this ready check to be very sure that you are keeping within protocol. Do not overextend your reach on one section or any single question for that matter.

4. Mark for Review

You may use the “Mark for Review” option provided in CBT to mark certain questions where you have some doubts. When you have finished the entire paper and have some time left, see the marked questions and try them again.

5. Maintain Accuracy

Although it is important to complete the questions in good time, it is also critical to be accurate. While it is better to answer all questions, one should expect to get many questions wrong which will also lead to negative marks.

6. Practice Mock Tests

Perform during ambush every once in a while to focus on timed, full-length tests. Due to these, the candidates can grasp the atmosphere of the examination better and develop their time allocation techniques. After every test, look back and evaluate yourself, especially in the areas where you used up too much time or made unnecessary mistakes.

Suggestion for Time Management Tips RRB NTPC Exam 2024

Time Management Tips RRB NTPC Exam is a critical skill that can either make or break your performance in the RRB NTPC 2024 exam. It’s not just about how long you dedicate to tackling each section but also how balanced speed and Accuracy are in the examination. Ideally, though, time is a practice that improves the more one uses it. Try to establish a strict routine, consistently measure yourself, and adjust your approach accordingly based on what you feel you have excelled in and what needs work.

Remember: The RRB NTPC exam does not discriminate against hard work or practice. By simply implementing the Tips mentioned above, you are on course to utilize your time efficiently in the test and perform well. Good luck!

Also read: RRB NTPC Last Month Preparation Strategy

Time Management Tips RRB NTPC Exam 2024 FAQs

Q1 How much time should I spend on the Mathematics section? 

Ans In general, you should spend at least 30 minutes on the Mathematics section of the test and be accurate while attempting to solve questions. 

Q2 How long is the RRB NTPC exam? 

Ans Both CBT 1 and CBT 2 have a total time of 90 minutes which is 1 hour 30 minutes. 

Q3 What should the candidate do in case of difficult questions? 

Ans In case a particular question appears to be tough, try to skip it and come back to it later if time is remaining.